A letter to me from me from my past to the future

By Bruce Wade

Last week was my birthday, Yeah!. And on this day each year, I get an email that I often forget about and when it pops up in my inbox, I am filled with mixed emotions.

This email, I send to myself, from the past to me in the future that is then the present. The app futureme.org is a simple email engine that allows you to craft an email and send it to yourself or someone else in the future. I have been doing this for over 15 years now.

I use this as an annual conversation with me about the things that I am working on: my marriage, my kids, career emotions goals etc. All this is crafted into a birthday wish email to me and then click send to me on my next birthday. It has had surprising results, there are some years that I am happy and filled with joy when reading about how well the year has gone and that I have been able to achieve most of what I set out to do. In other years, this email has brought me to my knees in tears. No matter the emotion, it is a habit that I will use as long as I can.

This morning I sent an email to myself for next year’s birthday. It is filled with hope, anticipation and goals for the year ahead. I do trust and hope that what it contains will become true and the year will be a good one, but if not, it will be a reminder of what was planned and still needs to be done.

Give it a go, head over to futureme.org and send yourself a letter to the future. It may just be the thing you need to receive.