Bruce Wade2024-05-20T15:17:59+02:00

Bruce Wade

Master Story Engineer

Professional Speaker

Strategy Coach


Bruce Wade

Master Story Engineer

Professional Speaker

Strategy Coach


People contract and book Bruce Wade for his ability to drive home messages of strategy, innovation and sustainability.

His punchy and to-the-point keynotes are not only entertaining but full of applicable take-home nuggets.

Bruce is an excellent facilitator of learning and instilling new concepts into difficult situations, driving home success points towards a designated destination.

With many years of coaching experience, Bruce is a master at taking an idea, expanding it to the impossible and then achieving it.

Bruce is available for Keynotes, Consulting & Coaching.

Read what Bruce has Written

Recent Articles, Essays and Thoughts

Satisfied Clients

  • United Nations DP
  • ADAPT International
  • SA Tourism Conventionon
  • Customer Service Symposium
  • Spice for Life
  • Cape Technikon
  • Inscape
  • Rotary
  • GSE Academy
  • University of Stellenbosch
  • Cape Chamber of Commerce
  • Awaken the Giant
  • Association Indaba
  • Pan Africa Speakers Summit
  • Tourism Indaba
  • SA Teen Entrepreneur Trust
  • Teen Boss
  • Badger Boot Camp
  • Marketing Indaba
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