Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Marketing

I speak on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Marketing topics. I am best as a Keynote presenter, but great on a panel to give a different opinion on a topic or as a group or workshop facilitator to drive home the learnings into application.

All topics are available in Keynotes, Short Talks and Workshops
To book me for a keynote, talk or workshop, please complete the form and I will get back to you with my availability and a quote.

The 7 Principles of Sustainable Innovation

Innovation has become a critical survival skill to leverage opportunity and avoid potential hazards.

Sustainable innovation requires a deeper longer-term strategy that is implemented into all processes and policies. 
The 7 Principles of Sustainable Innovation provide a framework and set of guidelines, that when followed aim the acceleration your business towards your desired outcomes.
The 7 Principles cover all aspects of any team or business wanting to expand their impact footprint into a sustainable future through innovative thinking. The principles describe a framework that can be applied across any industry or business sector allowing you to build your policies onto the framework to provide your future strategic plan. Bruce can unpack and give applicable examples of some of the 7 Principles in a 45-minute keynote related to your business sector and industry.

The Formula of Persuasion

Knowing what makes people do what they do and then understanding why people do what they should not do is the foundation of this formula. Understanding and applying it gives you that leadership advantage.

Developed from the principles of human behaviour and psychology, this formula follows the natural pathways that any person will follow when faced with a change in their lives. With one exception, a switch to help understand, install and cement that change in their lives.
This formula is a powerful tool for change management, leadership nd day-to-day conversation with others of a different opinion. Bruce unpacks the formula using real-life stories and comical analyses to demonstrate just how powerful our decision brains are and how to best motivate change in others. This strategy once learnt is instantly applicable to everyday conversations and leadership strategies at all levels of a business. This keynote is available in 60, 40 and 20-minute versions with additional workshop and consulting options.

Questionable Power

Asking the right question will get you the right answer. Knowing the right answer gives you the power to make the right decisions at the right time.

This keynote unpacks the elements of a good question that will ignite conversations leading to the desired conclusion.

Based on a story from a weekend away on a men’s retreat Bruce unpacks the dialogue that has changed his life and how he interacts with others in assessment conversations that are so critical to leadership and decision-making processes.
Then the power of the second question comes into play that, if asked correctly, will provide you and your organisation with all the information and power you need to push forward into an innovative and sustainable market.
This keynote is presented as a full 45-minute educative session. Shorter versions together with workshops and consulting are additional options to ensure deeper learning on this subject.

The Anatomy of a Great Story

All great campfire stories traditionally begin with the phrase “Once upon a time…”

Using the phrase allows us to tell any sort of story in any sort of way and include any animal, monster or magic, and it all becomes believable because of the opening phrase. These magic words give literacy licence to the world of imagination.
But in reality, our own story, can’t just be rooted in fantasy and make-believe. We need a solid connection with reality and our feet planted squarely on the ground to ensure that what we live is real but also rooted in both the first and second creation.
In his keynote, The Anatomy of a Great Story, Bruce Wade unpacks the various elements of what makes a story truly great and memorable. Understanding these elements and learning how to apply them to your Leadership and marketing strategies will give you that edge over others when your stories are the ones that
people remember and retell.
This keynote is presented as a full 60-minute interactive session with shorter versions available with less content. Story engineering workshops and consulting are additional options to ensure an implemented story strategy for your team.