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My Blog2024-08-30T09:34:36+02:00

The First Word

June 12th, 2024|

This week I get to present a workshop on how to start to write your first book. One of the hardest things to write in the whole book is the [...]

Coalition or Not

June 5th, 2024|

The big debate this week is who to get into bed with for the next five years. Politically that is. After our seventh democratic elections, the ANC has lost its [...]

Type, Pause, Click

May 22nd, 2024|

Communication in these modern times has been reduced to short sharp emoji filled, vowelless sentences. And we get frustrated when people don’t listen or understand us. What has happened to [...]

The Innovation Rhyme

May 5th, 2024|

What is there were a simple to use methodology to enable innovation and accelerate change? This is what my Formula of Persuasion offers. Here is an extract of the presentation [...]

Happy Pi Day

March 14th, 2024|

Today we celebrate not only Pi Day (3/14) but also the Professional Speakers Celebration Day. So firstly, for the maths nerds: Pi (π) is a mathematical constant that represents the [...]

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