4 Ways to Sustainability

By Bruce Wade

The fight for sustainability is as brutal as the Black Friday rush for the chocolates. People are focused on the destination without thinking too much about the process. In doing so, many are missing the mark and careering off into the abyss of complexity.

 May I suggest four things that any brand, business, or organization can use to survive the next decade?

  1. Be Relevant

Learn to be relevant to your target audience, listen to their feedback, and hear what they need, want and deserve. Solve the real-life problems that will make them come back again and again.

  1. Be Easy to do business with

Nothing chases customers away more than a complex sales process. Too many companies still use forms, queues, call centres and complex processes that make booking airline tickets to a World Cup look like child’s play. Why do we expect our customers to jump through hoops and over potholes just to serve our internal complexity? Stop making things hard. Become easy, in fact very easy to do business with and people will come back.

  1. Offer Convenience

Convenience is, as I have stated on stages for many years, the world’s number 1 commodity. The Convenience is not just in the process, it transcends to service, attitude and every corner of the client journey experience. Become convenient in everything you do and people will come back

  1. Serve Brain Delicious content

Serve up brain deliciousness. Make your content tasty in a way that Italians make ice cream. Simple, easy to consume and delicious for brains. Overcomplicating content does not impress anyone. No one cares how clever you are unless you are still writing your academic thesis. But in real life, outside the classroom, content needs to be perfectly positioned and served like a prawn cocktail on a crisp leaf of lettuce. People love delicious things and will keep coming back.

 Sustainability is achieved by enabling your customers to come back again and again and again. They will want to spend more and refer friends and tell their colleagues and family and soon you will have a thriving business that will be around for many years to come = Sustainability.