Story Time – Emotional Casting
All good story tellers can manipulate and conjure emotions with our words. As this develops there comes a time where we can then release or regain these emotions into the audience for them to become entangled within the story, so their emotions ride along with the characters.
Story Time – Emotional Balancing
Emotions are key to a good story. When telling a story it is important to create a set of balanced emotions, moving your audience from sad to happy or dark to light.
Story Time – Adding Bookends Techniques
Adding story bookends into your story adds a bit of tension to the tale and inspires your audiences to listen to the end to find the conclusion to what you [...]
Story Time: Learn to cut unwanted facts
Once you have composed a story to tell, take time to cut all the unnecessary facts that distract, rather than add to your storyline. Leaving your story clean and easier [...]
Story Time: Check Your Facts
If you are going to tell a true story, always make sure that it is true. Check your facts, dates and characters to ensure that you do not mislead or [...]
Story Time: Fable Fiction or Fact
All stories fall into one of three categories: Fable, Fiction or Fact. Knowing the difference when scripting your story will help determine the desired outcomes. It also gives you the [...]
How Prepared are you?
The morning alarm goes off and you realize that this is the day that you are presenting your new keynote to your dream audience. You feel excited and terrified all [...]
Should You Join a Gym – a mathematical answer
To exercise or not to exercise? The answer is YES, but where to exercise is the better question. Should you join a gym? We now have a mathematical solution that [...]
The Sphere of Mankind – The Shell
The Shell The shell of the sphere is a thin but important cover that encases and completes all 16 slices to make up the sphere. It is what holds us [...]
When can you phone in sick
What if there was a mathematical way to compute without any doubt when it would be ok to pick up the phone and call in sick? Well, now there just [...]
The Sphere of Mankind – Core
The sphere of mankind is a model created to help us unpack and understand the motivation of the human life. This and the following articles are a brief overview of [...]
4 Steps for Your Story Formula
These 4 simple steps create an easy-to-follow and well-constructed story. What was? What happened? What is? What now? Learn to script and tell better stories with this simple formula, used [...]