Relaunch: Introduction to the Experiential Innovator

By Bruce Wade

It is time to do a personal relaunch of how the world can engage with me: for a lot of my career, I have been in the innovation and experiential sector. This has not been as obvious to me as it is now. In my earlier corporate career developing graphic interfaces and solutions, to designing the architecture of system processes and innovative ergonomics for supply chain and distribution centres. Now for the past 25 years, helping and coaching entrepreneurs to develop customer experience solutions that were both experiential and profitable. I have now paused and realigned with my inner self and my passion: Welcome to Innovation and Experiential Solutions.

These two merge at a convergence of Customer Experience that has a very strong pull to market from an emerging customer base. Customers are now more powerful than ever, more demanding and faster to vote with their wallets and feet than ever before. The market needs to react and react fast with precision and focus.

Hospitality is no longer just about statistics and bums in beds, but it requires a strategic mindset, innovative plans and a client-centric philosophy.

My new title ‘The Experiential Innovator’ promises to do just that. With over 35 years of experience in both innovation and customer experience. Together with a host of redesigned and refined models, blueprints and frameworks, underscored by a library of books, I am well positioned. Positioned to speak into the customer experience, hospitality and tourism sectors with confidence in delivering a powerful message of change.

This change is backed up by proven models and methodologies now focused on giving businesses an unfair advantage over those lagging in this sector. Developing a first-to-market approach with innovative ideas, enhanced experiences and sustainable strategies, those who take up these new trends are positioned to reap instant benefits over their competitors.

I invite you to follow this journey with me. Read and gather information and when you are ready to engage in this change: connect with me to chart a new course to your desired destination.

Follow me on LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and my Blog.

I look forward to your Future!

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