Is Sustainability all about Pace?

By Bruce Wade

Watching the Olympic athletes compete from the comfort of my sofa, urging them on to do just a little bit more with each race, throw or jump is good entertainment and when our country wins a medal, we cheer and congratulate ourselves for being a part of the winning team.

But for every winner, there are a whole group of athletes, coaches and support members who must pack their bags and go back to the village without the rewards they dreamed of. Their pace was off, they failed to execute, or they were just outclassed on the field of play.

But one thing I have noticed is the lack of strategy in sustainability with a lot of competitors. They exert themselves too soon, too long and at the wrong times during the race for gold.

This got me thinking about Pace and Sustainability. What is the correct formula, if there is one, that we could use to ensure that we could add a winning streak to our own lives that can be learnt from the Paris tracks?

It has to do with Pace, fast pace wins races, but pace at the right time for the right duration. Pace is directly related to reserves: the reserves of energy developed through training, practice and fuelling the body for the 24 hrs before the event. Then we need to deal with fatigue, onset due to failing strength that opposes fitness.

Pace can then be reflected as:

Belief [(Preparation + Feuling + Fitness) + (Timing X Strategy)]

This would then be divided by issues of weather, opposition, fatigue and unforeseen issues.

It all becomes a complex formula for the winning athlete to understand and master then to put into practice and when all these numbers add up at the right time, Gold is waiting for you at the podium.

What if we could apply this to our business? What would the winning formula look like?

Time to ponder.