In the absence of Fear, Courage cannot exist

By Bruce Wade

We are consistently sheltering ourselves and our loved ones from danger and fear. We develop this bubble of protection around our families to avoid harm, both physical and emotional. But in doing so, we limit their ability to develop courage.

Courage is only found and developed when staring fear square in the face and getting what needs to be done done. This is where heroes are born, not wrapped up in cotton wool safe at home.

Emotional courage is similar to our physical antibodies. If we do not play in the dirt, how will we ever become immune to the germs in the dirt? But where is the balance between exposing yourself and others to danger? Do we sign up for a Special Forces boot camp and get the fast track to courage or do we find some other safer way?

I am all for leaving the safety of the comfort zone and exploring but knowing that there is a safe place to retreat to when it gets too much. Grow, both emotional, physical and spiritual lies outside the cottonwool sofa at home, but it takes courage to build courage. That’s where parenting and leadership come into play.

Fathers and Leaders are tasked with developing children and their subordinates into people who will be equipped to face the world alone in the future. Where Mothers and Managers are tasked with ensuring they stay safe for today. Finding that balance is key.

With so many single-parent families and poor business leadership structures in today’s society, we have fast begun to breed future adults who are ill-equipped to face future situations with any form of experience, let alone courage.

Maybe it is time to step outside that safe zone of comfort for a bit and invite others around you to do the same. Welcome to Courage.