Does Our Legacy Lie Before Us?

By Bruce Wade

I was in a discussion this week with a school friend, and we were chatting about legacy and the things that we had achieved in our past. From the 5 guys who hung out together over 40 years ago we have achieved great things: 3 are medical doctors, 2 leading specialists in their fields, 1 a CFO for a multinational and then me.

Each of us has changed the world for the better creating an impact on those with whom we have worked with and mentored over the many years of our careers. But we believed that there was still more significant stuff to come. More impact, more influence and more changes that needed to happen.

This led to another discussion where the statement was made that our Legacy does not lie behind us but before us. What? Read that again: Our legacy does not lie behind us but before us.

What has happened in our past can’t be changed, it is done and dusted. But what lies ahead of us, while we are here and then after is what our legacy is all about. Sure it is influenced and scripted by our past, but it is the future that we should be focusing on, not our past achievements.

The once-upon-a-future story is the one that should get us out of bed in the morning with anticipation of scripting a future legacy that will influence and impact and make the world a better place.

What are you doing today, based on your past that will create a legacy for tomorrow?

One Comment

  1. Bill Brander 11 July 2024 at 08:56 - Reply

    I couldn’t agree more with this.
    I am still in the process of creating mine.

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